NSW Has Banned Offshore Oil & Gas! Now we want the rest of Australia to follow

On the 14th of March 2024 The NSW Parliament has unanimously passed amendments to legislation that will ban all offshore oil and gas in NSW waters for good!

We are stoked! After years of campaigning to draw a Line in the Sand and ban all new offshore oil and gas in Australia’s pristine ocean, this legislation proves the power of state governments to act on the big issues that impact all of us.

As surfers, we need to recognise that the greatest threat to our ocean is climate change, while some of the greatest solutions to climate change also come from the ocean itself. But navigating our way to a healthy and thriving ocean will take guts, focus and courage - qualities that surfers have.

What we want now is for other states and territories to pay attention to what NSW has achieved and follow its lead. 

We want the Albanese Government and Minister for Resources Madeleine King to stop stalling, draw a line in the sand, and stop all new fossil fuel projects in our ocean across Australia.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand for our ocean

The Line in the Sand for our ocean specifically advocates according to the following priority areas:

  • See an end to the search for new oil and gas in our ocean by 2028

  • Engage and educate coastal communities on the shift to renewable and low carbon energy, and help them ride the groundswell of solar, batteries, wind and more.

  • Protect our waves and advocate for greater protection of Australia’s marine environment

If you want to draw a line in the sand for our oceans, join us by signing this petition calling for the Federal Government to commit to an end to offshore oil and gas by 2028.