To learn about what you can do to mitigate the impacts of climate change, protect the beaches and breaks you love, and have a positive impact on the health of our marine environments, tune in to this conversation facilitated by WSL Commentator Ronnie Blakey. We'll dive into the value of our ocean, how it is being impacted by climate change, and the role we can all play in protecting it. Ronnie is joined by panellists: Ace Buchan (SFC Director, WSL Championship Tour surfer & WSL PURE Ambassador), Belinda Baggs (Co-Founder, Surfers for Climate), Billy Bain (Darug Indigenous Artist, Surfers for Climate Ambassador), Cat Dorey (Marine Parks Campaign Manager, Australian Marine Conservation Society), and Dr. Simon Bradshaw (Acting Head of Research, Climate Council of Australia).
We encourage you to follow and learn more about We Are One Ocean calling on world leaders to adopt a target at the 2021 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to protect and conserve at least 30% of the global ocean, including international waters, by 2030. Urging world leaders to be driven by science, and led by an inclusive process that embraces all stakeholder communities and considers the ocean's value to the peoples of every nation.
Keep up to date with The Climate Council and Australian Marine Conservation Society
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